
Evaluation of the chromogenic dosage of FXII and its application to angioedema type III

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

L. Rozen PharmD, C. Devroye , F. Debaugnies PharmD, B. Mahadeb , F. Corazza , A. Demulder MD, PhD

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Thrombin generation in the plasma of sickle cell trait adults shows prothrombotic profile as compared to normal adults

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

L. Dewispelaere MD, B. Mahadeb , L. Rozen PharmD, D. Noubouossie MD, T. Besse-Hamer , A. Efira MD, P. Hermans MD, PhD, B. Gulbis MD, PhD, M.A. Azerad MD, A. Demulder MD, PhD

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The place of the determination of D-dimer and its improvement

BJH - volume 4, issue 2, june 2013

L. Rozen PharmD, D. Noubouossie MD, A. Demulder MD, PhD


D–dimer (DD) assay is a widely used laboratory test in thrombosis-related conditions because it is rapid and easy to perform. This test is highly sensitive to thrombus formation and degradation. However DD levels are increased in many clinical conditions so that its positive predictive value is poor. Improvements of its usefulness have been mainly realised by combining the test with clinical scores and by adapting positive threshold to particular settings of patients. In this article, different methods of DD testing are presented with the aim to review their benefits and pitfalls in various clinical applications.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2013;4(2):47–50)

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Microvesicles and cancer

BJH - volume 4, issue 1, march 2013

M.A. Azerad MD, F. Debaugnies PharmD, A. Demulder MD, PhD, D. Bron MD, PhD, A. Efira MD


Microvesicles (MV) are since quite recently recognized as forming a unique network between cells. These very little fragments (<1 µm size) are actively released from their parent cells and are able to transfer both cellular and nuclear material. Although active debate remains on how to best detect MV, rendering some results questionable, high MV levels have been reported in aggressive tumours and have been correlated with a poor clinical outcome. Some tumour cell derived MV exhibit strong tissue factor dependent procoagulant activity. Their detection could actually predict the thrombotic risk in selected cancer patients. A growing body of evidence suggests cell microvesicles to be a major link between cancer and thrombosis. Current knowledge on MV in cancer will be reviewed here.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2013;1:3–8)

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P.51 Relationship between thrombin generation and blood flow velocity in large cerebral arteries of children with sickle cell disease

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

D. Noubouossie MD, F. Ziereisen , P.-Q. Le , D. Willems , B. Mahadeb , L. Rozen PharmD, M. Ngalula Mujinga , A. Demulder MD, PhD, A. Ferster MD, PhD

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