
Waldenström’s macroglobulinaemia is a B-cell disorder characterised by bone marrow infiltration with lymphoplasmacytic cells, along with demonstration of an IgM monoclonal gammopathy in the blood. This condition belongs to the lymphoplasmacytic lymphomas as defined by the World Health Organization classification (ICD-0 code 9671/3). Approximately one-fourth of patients are asymptomatic. Clinical features of the symptomatic patients are diverse and may relate to overall disease burden (such as peripheral blood cytopaenias, organomegaly and constitutional symptoms) or may be directly attributable to the IgM paraprotein. The latter include hyperviscosity syndrome, amyloidosis, peripheral neuropathy and cold haemagglutinin. Therapeutic options have traditionally involved alkylating agents, nucleoside analogues, and rituximab, either as single therapy or in combination. However, emerging new data on combination therapy as well as novel agents have shown encouraging results. This report provides the Belgian Hematology Society guidelines according to recent clinical studies.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2015;6(4):142–50)