BJH - 2020, issue SPECIAL, november 2020
A. Dekker MD, T. Feys MBA, MSc
Jan Emmerechts and Christelle Orlando moderated the educational session of the 28th annual BSTH meeting focusing on the management of thromboprophylaxis and anticoagulation in critically ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prof. dr. M. Levi (University College London, London, United Kingdom) opened the session with a presentation on the latest evidence on the effects of a COVID-19 infection on thromboprophylaxis and coagulopathy. This presentation was followed up by Prof. Dr. T. Vanassche (University Hospitals Leuven and McMaster University, Hamilton) who gave a brief introduction on the new BSTH consensus guideline on anti-coaguation in patients with COVID-19. Finally, Dr D.J. Arachchillage (Hammersmith hospital in Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom) discussed the challenges of anticoagulation in critical care patients and in patients on mechanical cardiopulmonary support.
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