
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria

BJH - volume 8, issue 7, december 2017

K. Saevels MD, Z.N. Berneman MD, PhD, S. Anguille MD, PhD


Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria is a rare, acquired haematological disease that manifests with haemolytic anaemia, thrombosis and impaired bone marrow function. The absence of two glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, CD55 and CD59, leads to uncontrolled complement activation that accounts for haemolysis and other paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria manifestations. Patients may present with a variety of clinical manifestations, such as anaemia, thrombosis, kidney disease, smooth muscle dystonias, abdominal pain, dyspnoea, and extreme fatigue. Delayed recognition of this condition is common due to the variable clinical presentation. This delay in diagnosis confers an increased risk of mortality and morbidity. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to raise awareness about this potentially life-threatening disease among haematologists and to provide a guide to diagnosis and treatment.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2017;8(7):259–64)

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P2.06 Cost Analysis of Immunotherapy Using Dendritic Cells for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2015

A. Van De Velde MD, S. Anguille MD, PhD, P. Beutels , S. Dom , I. Cornille , G. Nijs , F. van Tendeloo , E.L. Smits , A. Verlinden MD, A.P. Gadisseur , W.A. Schroyens , Z.N. Berneman MD, PhD

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P.76 A 10-year single center study of adult patients with histiocytic disorders in Antwerp

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

A. Van De Velde MD, E. Vermander , I. Vrelust MD, I. Vandenbosch , A. Gadisseur MD, PhD, W. Schroyens MD, PhD, Z.N. Berneman MD, PhD

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Development of a clinical leukaemia vaccine using dendritic cells loaded with the Wilms’ tumour (WT1) gene product

BJH - volume 3, issue 1, march 2012

A. Van Driessche PhD, MSc, V.F.I. Van Tendeloo PhD, MSc, Z.N. Berneman MD, PhD


Dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccination holds promise as an adjuvant immunotherapy for many cancers. The Wilms’ tumour (WT1) protein is overexpressed in most types of leukaemia and in many solid tumours. Therefore, WT1 could be regarded as a broadly applicable tumour-associated antigen in DC-based immunotherapy. In this thesis, we pursued the aim to enhance antileukemic immune response by the activation of WT1-specific T cells. We developed – from bench to bedside – a therapeutic vaccine of DC loaded with WT1 for patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).

(BELG J HEMATOL 2012;3:24–6)

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