
P64 Hemolytic anemia in a progressive breast cancer: think about thrombotic microangiopathy and treat the cancer

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

S. Bailly MD, M.C. Vekemans MD, B. Chatelain PharmD, M. André MD, PhD, T. Vander Borght , L. D’Hondt , L. Faugeras , G. Verstraete MD, J. Devreux , G. Di Prinzio , S. Lefevre

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P79 Atypical bone pain after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for myelofibrosis

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

G. Verstraete MD, S. Lefevre , S. Bailly MD, G. Di Prinzio , J. Devreux , J-P. Defour PhD, P. D’Abadie , P. Van Eeckhout , F. Kino , C. Goemare , N. Lepage , L. Michaux MD, PhD, V. Havelange MD, PhD, E. Van den Neste MD, PhD, C. Lambert MD, PhD, L. Knoops MD, PhD, M.C. Vekemans MD, X. Poiré MD, PhD

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