From the 20th till the 24th of May 2018, Glasgow formed the background for the annual meeting of the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), the largest international meeting for the bleeding disorders community. The therapeutic options for people with haemophilia (PWH) have rapidly evolved in the last five years. Moving on from conventional plasma-derived and recombinant clotting concentrates (CFC), there are now extended half-life CFCs as well as several novel haemostasis agents (e.g. emicizumab). In addition, gene transfer proved to be successful for both haemophilia A and B patients. It has been demonstrated that all these products provide better haemostasis and convenience than conventional CFCs. This summary will focus on new data presented with some of these novel therapeutic options during WFH 2018. For a complete overview of abstracts presented during the meeting we would like to refer to the official congress website (

(BELG J HEMATOL 2017;9(5):199–201)